Before auditions, please update all your personal information on your personal parent portal.
For registration, please go to your parent portal.
Follow these steps if you haven’t done it before:
- Click on “Client Login”
- Once there, create a password by clicking on “reset password”
- Create a password and follow the prompts
- Once you are logged in, it will prompt you to click on “Policies”
- Now that you have an account you can:
- Update your credit card
- Check emails sent to you from CAA
- Add classes (If you are on a company, the front desk will add your core classes to your account. If you want to add additional classes, you may add those from your portal.)
CAA Office Hours
Monday - 4:00pm until 9:00pm
Tuesday - 10:00am until 9:00pm
Wednesday - 10:00am until 9:00pm
Thursday - 4:00pm until 9:00pm
Friday - 2:30pm until 6:00pm
Monday - 4:00pm until 9:00pm
Tuesday - 10:00am until 9:00pm
Wednesday - 10:00am until 9:00pm
Thursday - 4:00pm until 9:00pm
Friday - 2:30pm until 6:00pm